Myofascial Dry needling uses acupuncture type needles to treat the layers of muscle and fascia at deeper levels than fingers can reach. The needles are targeted at contractions along the muscle fibers or at thickened areas of fascia, creating better range of movement. Needling turns off the trigger point (sensitive point in the muscle) and decreases the thickness and contraction of the tissue, which in turn increases flexiblility.
Several areas can be treated in the one session. The main benefit is that we can affect the deeper layers of tissue with out irritating the superficial layers of tissue at the same time.
Principal Sports Massage
Fortitude Valley
The perfect combination of knowledge, skill & passion
Remedial Massage
Fortitude Valley
Remedial and Oriental Massage therapist
Principal Sports Massage
Fortitude Valley
The perfect combination of knowledge, skill & passion Click to read more . . .
Remedial Massage
Fortitude Valley
Remedial and Oriental Massage therapist
Principal Sports Massage
Fortitude Valley
The perfect combination of knowledge, skill & passion. Click to read more . . .
Remedial Massage
Fortitude Valley
Remedial and Oriental Massage therapist
Remedial Massage & Dry Needling
Fortitude Valley
Teale received her Diploma in Remedial Massage
Remedial Massage & Dry Needling
Fortitude Valley
Teale received her Diploma in Remedial Massage
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